



Legal areas of expertise

Victim of a crime?

Then you often have the right to a lawyer, free of charge. It is called ``plaintiff counsel``.


Family law

Moving in together? Getting a divorcee? Custody of children? Inheritance and wills


Business and contract law

Are you looking to start a new business or want advice on contract law?


Courses in IT law &

At Oakstream Law we believe in everyone's right to education. As a consequence we offer a range of online seminars where you can learn more about IT law, data protection och cybersecurity.
To think freely is great,
but to think rightly is greater.
Thomas Thorild
One person's legal right corresponds to another person's legal duty.
Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld
Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
The European Convention on Human Rights, Art. 8.1.
All public power in Sweden emanates from the people.
The Swedish Instrument of Government 1:1 1

Contact us



Tel: + 46-739763245



Oakstream Juridik/Oakstream Law
Brigadgatan 10 A
504 31 Borås


org. nr. 559331-0708

See the page “Contact” for information about confidentiality, the Legal Professional Privilege and how you may send sensitive information in a secure way.